Pics. Life. Cold. Winter. Snow. Fountain. Diamonds and Crescents.

Some Enjoyments From The Last Few Months...

Television and the SuperBowl are ugly.
Randy agrees. Two Doctors cannot be wrong.

Rockford Church


Sunset is crazy beautiful some nights. Parking lot view.

Wes and Bentley.

Ry Smiles.

Blaine smiles too, really.

Comfy and colorful. Thanks Burlington!

Fountain Street Church by Blaine A.

Ryan, San Chez, Pecha Kucha, Miracles.

No conspiracies here!

Nate Does The Truffle Shuffle. Glamorous.

FSC Roof

Wes' Shop, The Conservatory.

The Conservatory

Wes at his control point.

Don't walk under those.

Cut u up.

Fits well with the decor...

Randy's paintings in Wes' kitchen.

Obituary, Pyramid Scheme. Old School.

Ben Sollee at Wealthy Theatre.

The Klondike King - Nathan.

One guess: Where was this toy made?


In and through the thoughts.

SpringSummer colors for the guys.


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