At Some Point A Decision Needs To Be Made.

My friend *Jimmy and I have been friends for 20+ years. I always appreciate talking to Jimmy and I think he feels the same way. Jimmy and I continue to have a rad relationship because of a solid foundation built from honesty and trust. It has been and will continue to a very valued friendship.
*name changed to protect all mankind

Our interactions are silly, raw, obscene, understood, and gut busting. The personal stuff is fine, without it all is false, so we are what we are, and it's easy. Quality merchandise all around...

A Spill

I seek his counsel, though rarely offered yet perpetually available, and respect his opinions quite a bit. When of a particularly introspective and wise state of mind, his words remind [me] that 'I -as all- have the power to 'ultimately affect' anything, at any given time. We are all one. We are all doctors. We can heal ourselves, we can heal the world. Anything and everything that could/would/should ever happen has already happened and vice versa.' 

I can only nod my head in agreement, as he speaks the truth, and truth cannot be denied. His words are my words, they are our words, they are the only words. Word to the only words....I believe, amen, amen amen. A thousand times yes!

But at some point a decision has to be made.

The human side is here, IS REAL!!, cannot be completely ignored, and human interactions rustle up emotions. I sometimes have to set certain things aside for the sake of simple daily survival. Occasionally, while attempting to make a "real life" decision, my belief that "no matter what, all will be well" requires a brief but necessary intervention. True, but let's all be adults here.

Jimmy's constant reminders are always in my ear, but my decision making process as a physical-human-living-being requires counsel from time to time.

Don't remind me we are all omnipotent, just tell me whether or not to call her back.


  1. Ha. Oh Ry. Call her back. Whoever she is, call her back.

  2. Lol. Thanks anon. In this case it's hypothetical, used only as an representation of any "real life" situation that could come around...


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